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Highly and profoundly gifted kids are statistically rare, that's a fact. Davidson Young Scholars, a group that serves the needs of profoundly gifted children, has an IQ minimum of 145. According to data with an IQ of 145-160 is approximately .13% of the population. When you are only 1 of 13 children in 10,000, finding someone who might be considered a peer is not as easy as it is for some. Children with IQs 160+, more than 4 standard deviations above the mean, are even more statistically rare and are .003% of the population or 1 in 30,000.
While it is important to have academic enrichment and support to feed the incredible and insatiable intellectual appetites of the PG population, it is also crucial to help link them to like-minded peers with similar abilities. These kids (like other kids) deserve to have opportunities to learn to be comfortable in their own skin and have their sense of self validated and all their wonderfully quirky attributes and asynchrony that comes with them.