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National Talent Search Organizations

Hover over each box for a brief description of each talent search. To learn more about each organization, please select the box and you will be directed to the organization's website. For a side by side comparison, select the "Side By Side" button below. For information on scholarship opportunities or other resources, click the buttons below.

Davidson Young Scholars

DYS is one of the only talent searches that specifically serves the needs of highly and profoundly gifted children.

Johns Hopkins Study for Exceptional Talent (SET)

SET is a program that awards students that score above 700 on one or more sections of the SAT before the age of 13.



Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth

Johns Hopkins CTY is a talent search that aims for gifted children. It specializes in online classes starting with elementary school.

Northwestern Center for Talent Development

CTD is a talent search program that serves children as young as 3 years old.

Scholarship Opportunites

The Institute of Educational Advancement is offers the Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship every year. The CDB scholarship is the only merit based scholarship for profoundly gifted students. The scholarship awards recipients tuition for four years of high school.

The Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship

The Cooke Young Scholars Program is a selective five-year, pre-college scholarship for high-performing 7th grade students with financial need. It provides comprehensive academic and college advising, as well as financial support for school, Cooke-sponsored summer programs, internships, and other learning enrichment opportunities.


Cooke Young Scholars Program


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IGC, Research Center Logo.png

The International Gifted Consortium (IGC) is a transformational group of leaders from across the globe, who possess an empathetic understanding of giftedness in its most acute, highly developed form. The International Gifted Consortium professionals have committed their work to serving the unique development of this often-misunderstood population. Together, we educate the world on the unique behaviors and development of the highly-profoundly gifted population to aid understanding, identification, and support of natural human development and potential.


PG Retreat is an organization directed by and for its members, cultivating lifelong communities of support and enriching the lives of profoundly gifted children and their families.
Throughout the year, PGR families and the professionals who serve them engage with one another, providing learning opportunities and fostering lasting friendships among true peers. This engagement culminates in our annual gatherings each summer.


 Hoagies' Gifted Education Page, the all-things-gifted site, full of resources, articles, books and links to help and support parents, teachers, and gifted children alike.  Pick your path, and explore them all!


 CBK believes they can offer "a bright spot for bright kids" who often have difficulty finding a place of challenge, excitement, and community, whether they have been identified for gifted and talented programming yet or not. No matter what time of year kids are interested in becoming involved in this kind of environment, we have programs available.

SENG provides support through a variety of programs, all aimed to be inclusive and accessible. We offer online support groups for gifted, talented and twice-exceptional individuals and their parents/guardians, online SENGinars with leading experts, in-person regional mini-conferencesand an annual conferenceSENG Model Parent Groups (SMPG) and Facilitator TrainingSENG Library, SENGVine e-newsletter, Continuing Education courses for professionals, workshops, and more! SENG is a national organization with occasional events and programs in Canada, plus an affiliate organization in Europe.


The Daimon Institute is passionate about supporting the overall development of Exceptionally Gifted individuals including cognitive, social, emotional and spiritual dimensions. Linking members of this community to appropriate opportunities in the educational and business sectors in a major thrust of intervention and support. Providing opportunities for members of the gifted population to connect and form reciprocal, sustaining relationships is another integral goal of Sue’s work. Sue has conducted research and has published in several major journals/textbooks throughout her professional career.

The National Association for Gifted Children is an organization that advocates for and supports the needs of gifted children. NAGC's mission is to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research. 

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